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Sign up below or at your local ANDERSON LUMBER CO. and start earning rewards today!
  • For every $1 spent, 1 point is earned. Earn 250 points and receive a $5 reward coupon!
  • Earn a reward on your birthday as well as other seasonal/holiday rewards such as Mother's and Father's Day!
  • Get special access to seasonal mailers!

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Please note that it will take up to 7 days for your account to become active. If you're in a hurry, you can sign up instantly in-store and start earning right away! *If you have already signed up at a Anderson Lumber store, you do not need to sign up again online*
By supplying us with your email address, you agree to let us contact you with special offers, discounts and more!
All rewards you earn will be sent to you in the mail.
Your phone number is only used to look up your account during a purchase. We will not call/text your or share your information
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